Hi Everyone!
I wanted to share with everyone a new voting system that not too many people are familiar with yet, but that combines some of the best parts of RCV, STAR, and Approval Voting, all into one simple, easy-to-understand voting system!
ELI5 (Explain Like I'm Five)
You have a 1st-Choice Coin (worth 2 Points) and a 2nd-Choice Coin (worth 1 Point). You can give each coin to a separate candidate that you support. We then tally to find out who has the most Points, and if that candidate ALSO has the number of Coins greater than 50.1% of the number of voters, they win! (i.e. the majority of voters gave them a 1st- or 2nd-Choice Coin aka “Majority Support”)
If the candidate with the most points doesn’t have Majority Support, we redo the vote, but with only the Top 3 candidates with the highest number of coins from the first vote (Top 3 Runoff by Support). Everyone votes again with the same method, and if none of the Top 3 received 51% Majority Support, we eliminate the 3rd ranked candidate and upgrade all of that candidate's voters' 2nd choices to 1st choices (doubling their 2nd choice point value, thus making them equivalent with 1st choice value). The winner is the person with the most points!
The Proposal and Model
I've created both a Google Docs Proposal that proposes and explains 2CV in depth, as well as a Google Sheets 2CV Election Model, where you can run up to 7 candidates with a separate 3-candidate runoff in the case of no candidate receiving Majority Support.
You can view the Proposal Here
You can view the Model Here
Potential Cost / Benefit Attributes
- Does not allow for voting of more than 2 candidates or choices
- most voters don't care to vote down ballot anyway, and those votes are rarely significant in their effect
- Requires a runoff election if no candidate receives Majority Support in the first vote (aka Primary election)
- not a big deal, we already do this, and doing so gives benefits to voters whereby they can uniquely express their preference of those candidates who make it into the runoff.
- Allows for "Majority Support" whereby the winning candidate will have either had 50% support or a
- Simple and easy to explain to prospective voters (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
- Provides for maximal candidate-choice expression by allowing voters to express uniquely in both the Primary and the Runoff elections
- Rewards moderate, populist candidates by allowing those with a fewer number of 1st Choice votes to win by making up the difference by getting a significant number 2nd Choice votes
- Encourages honest, exhaustive voting, since voters only get 2 choices, and their 2nd choice helps prevent the election of their less preferred choices
I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on this one, but please read through the Proposal first and play with the Model to see if it either confirms or satisfies your concerns 

Looking forward to seeing if this thing holds up to everyone's much-appreciated scrutiny!
EDIT: Responses to Criticisms
Possibly Requires 2 Rounds of Voting - We already do this, and it's absolutely not a big deal. In fact, I would argue that having a completely separate 2nd round of voting for a Runoff is a BENEFIT and actually INCREASES accurate voter expression. A voter should have the ability to CHANGE their preference once they know who the runoff will be between. E.g. a Voter didn't do a lot of research on a candidate who they ranked low on their STAR ballot, but it turns out many others liked that candidate and they went into a top-2 runoff. Now that voter becomes disenfranchised because they didn't know that candidate would be in the top 2 and may want to do additional research to change their vote, now that they know. You cannot expect voters to adequately research ALL candidates on the ballot, so when there is a runoff, those voters should be able to reevaluate and recast their votes. It actually INCREASES accurate voter expression.
Loss of Expressive Ballot / Only 2 Choices - 2CV gives voters double the expression of our current system, which is already not horribly insufficient. I think many of you think that MAXIMUM voter expression is required from a system; it's not. All that's required is enough expression whereby the system will produce a desirable result given the level of expression, which should be VERY SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED AND WEIGHED against the system's simplicity, as simplicity and ease of use/understanding matters FAR MORE for the average voter if trying to convince them to adopt a new voting system. 2CV provides significant, adequate expression to produce the desired result in the VAST majority (~95%) of electoral simulations. This is a mild tradeoff in favor of simplicity, which is much more important than I think many on here consider. Voter understanding of the system is probably the highest consideration when trying to implement a new voting system for our government.
Voters Forced to Allocate Positive Support - At no time is a voter REQUIRED to cast their 2nd choice vote. However, it is in their benefit to do so, as a 2nd choice vote helps prevent the election of that voters less preferred candidate. It's an optional "insurance" but not a requisite.
Practical Consequence Unclear - Not sure if you read the whole proposal (Which I requested people do before making criticisms), but this is addressed in the Proposal, which I additionally expressed in the "benefits" section. Among them are:
- Easy for voters to participate optimally, without gamification - just pick your favorite and a backup
- Significantly less complicated than other proposed alternatives (STAR, RCV)
- Rewards populist candidates by creating a simple system whereby a candidate can win with fewer "primary preferences" that are made up by a significant number of 2nd choice votes
On Frohmayer Balance - 2CV passes this challenge, to my understanding. E.g. If there are candidates ABCDE and 1 voter selects A/C as 1st/2nd choice, another voter can cast E/C as 1st/2nd choice to create balance between A/C and E/C preferences. The effect of which would be that candidate C would gain additional support from both voters, but that is still EQUAL in weight and thus satisfies Frohmayer, to my understanding. Likewise, if a voter ONLY votes A, another voter can choose to ONLY vote E to create balance, as 2nd choices are optional, not required.